My surgery is only hours away now (Wednesday at 7:30am) so I wanted to send out an update and prayer requests concerning it all. I met with my doctor last week and he did a different series of x-rays knowing that there in fact is an issue. It was on the very last x-ray that the unhealed bone showed up very clearly due to the angle. So as planned, he will do a bone graft and reinforce it with a metal plate and screws. Hearing that, I smiled and asked my doctor, “So, does this mean you’ll let me bear weight sooner?” He quickly replied, “No. Absolutely NO weight bearing for 3 months.” I really was not prepared to hear that as after my last surgery I was not allowed to bear weight for 2 months and that was a much bigger surgery. But quite honestly, neither of us want to go through this again…thus the added weeks for healing.
To refresh your mind from six months ago, for me, not being allowed to bear weight on my operated leg means not being able to walk at all since my other leg is too weak to support my weight. As a result, I will be fully dependent on my parents and a wheelchair for these next three months of healing.
While my doctor is in there for the bone graft, I really want him to remove another ½” from my femur (he already removed 1 ½”) to lessen my leg length discrepancy. He first quickly said no, but as he listened to how difficult it is for me to stand barefoot (when I don’t have the lift that I wear in my shoes) he was more open. So he has agreed to shorten it more under one condition…as long as there is play between the stem of my prosthesis and my bone. If it is solid, then he will not upset the apple cart, which I completely understand. If he is able to cut the bone however, then I have asked for another painful recovery and I know it…but the price of not removing more is too costly for me.
So, with all of that said, here are my top prayer requests…
- Protection in the administration of the anesthesia (spinal or intubation) due to my complex and fused anatomy
- The ability for my doctor to safely remove ½” more of bone
- Protection from infection
- Protection from severe headaches & nausea from the spinal (the planned method)
- Grace as I recover and heal
I really can’t thank you enough for going on this journey with me again through your prayers and support. So many of you have already begun reaching out to me in preparation of my surgery…thank you!!! Whether you are family or one of my closest friends, a friend from many years ago or someone that I have yet to meet, please know that your prayers for me mean everything to me. I don’t take one of them for granted because I believe that our prayers move the heart and hand of God. Thank you for your investment in me.
I have peace and anticipation as I face this surgery, but there is always the element of the unknown. So, as I gear myself up to ‘do this again’ and face the risks of surgery I hear the words of my God spoken in Joshua 1:9… “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Is that photo above not the best analogy for this verse?!? I may be that little lion cub walking into surgery and recovery, but who shall I fear knowing how protective my Father is of me? And I ask you, if your Father is the Lion of Judah, then who shall YOU fear?
Photo by Sven (http://svenimal.deviantart.com/art/My-big-brother-245667406)
I will be praying for all your requests. The spoken and the unspoken. I love you Michele. May the Lord deliver you from all pain, anxiety and fear and may you WALK in complete healing, trust, peace, strength and GRACE in Jesus Name. May you experience the total covering of the Lion of Judah over you..!
Dear Michele, I will be praying for a safe and successful surgery for you. I admire your strength and know that you can do this, I am just so sorry that you have to go through this again. Love, Kerry
I am praying for you right now while you are in surgery.
Praying for every point you have listed my dear friend. Thank you for sharing.
You are a brave woman of God, you’re work is a gift from God and so beautiful, I am praying for you
You are a brave woman of God and your work is a gift from God, he will honor our prayers for you. Sending them today and daily..Blessings to you….
So happy I received your blog. I was praying for the surgery on the 18th! However God knew and would have accepted that prayer in His “timing”.
I cried as I read your description. This seems to “man” and surely to you almost insurmountable by man’s abilities. We are surely amazed and hopeful and thankful because of God’s abilities!
I pray for a miracle…accomplishments BEYOND mere man’s abilities! May you be used to prove to doubters once and for all that God is a Miracle Worker, but greater than that, Compassionate and full of mercy.
I await with you and all of your many prayer partners, expecting our loving God to answer with His perfect plan.
I think of Jeremiah, and the false prophet, Hananiah. Hananiah spoke a false prophecy that people wanted to hear…their time of release would be quick. But then God’s Word came forth. Yes, His promise was good, but before it was fulfilled, there would be much suffering by the people. It was God who who exiled His people and they had to submit.
It was God who created you, and you have learned to submit over all these years. I pray that He will fulfill Jer 29:11 in your life now.
Sister Michelle as I read your situation I was really touched by your faith and strong will but most of all your sweet faithful spirit. Which is an example to me. I see where your faith lies and I can tell you God Almighty is the best person to call on. Amen. I will be praying for you my sister for a full recovery, that God will protect you from any infections or anything to discourage the process of healing. I ask that he shields you with protection. And to give you strength physically and mentally as you go through this process again. Lord may you watch over the doctors who are involved in this procedure, that they are focused and guided by your hand Almighty God. Administration of Anesthesia Lord touch and oversee the administration of Anesthesia that they do their job successfully and professionally as they do this procedure on our Sister Michelle. Father God I ask you to touch Sister Michelle as she recovers from this procedure that you restore her physically and mentally through the process. And to shower her with love from her friends, family, people who are just meeting her and the prayer warriors. Because she is loved by everybody. We thank you in the name of Jesus Almighty God we pray AMEN🙏🏿
Hi Michele~
I remember being hours away from my knee surgery last year. I had such peace, even though I used to be filled with fear. Somehow, He gives Amazing Peace! I am praying for that same Peace for you! May you feel that Peace with His Presence. May He give you a Beautiful Sign of His Presence! I am, also, praying for Strength & Peace for Mom & Dad!
Blessings & Love, Shirley, Craig & John
Hi Michele – Thanks for giving me the words for my prayers so that I can be ultra-specific! Although I know that God knows exactly what you want and need, I always feel like somehow providing an exact road map will be helpful! Sending prayers and love to you! xoxo, Love, Caren
Praying for you.
Hi Michele,
This morning before I saw your email you were already on my heart, and that was just God going before you, ahead of you and covering you! May your strength be in Him when you are weak! We know he is more than enough, always has been & always will be, isn’t it great that we know that from our history! The Szott’s will continue to pray for you and specifically your requests! May God guide the hand of the physician and the anestesiologist! May you be surrounded by angels and covered in the blood my dear friend! We love you! And thank you for always being a blessing!
Larry and I will be praying for you, God’s protection during the administration of the anethesia, guidance for the doctor, and peace, quick healing and complete success!! Much love, Doris and Larry. Xxxxoo
Larry and I will be praying for you tomorrow. I also have a women’s meeting in the morning and will put in a prayer request for you. Wave Church has you covered in prayer!! Much love, Doris
Hi Michele,
I have met you many years ago through my sister, Kimberly (Miller) Romero. I admire your art all through her house. She asked me a while ago to be lifting you up in prayer and I have been receiving your posts since. Praying for you tomorrow. Praying for all the pieces to line up according to God’s great plan. I appreciate your authenticity. You are an encouragement to me in this life, on this side of heaven. Lifting you up before the throne!!
Wendy Taylor
Michele, i will continue to pray for you. Thank you for the updates so we know how to pray specifically. God is with you, He promises that, in His Word. There is power in agreement, so we are all agreeing with you in each one of your requests. my prayers go with you. We serve a Good God, a powerful God, and we know that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly ,above and beyond , all we can ask, hope, dream, or imagine, according to His power that works in us !!!
Michele, We will be lifting you in prayer. What an inspiration and living testimony you are to the grace and peace that only our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ can offer! Thank you for sharing all the different aspects you are going through…and allowing us to see the Lord move and work through you!
Glen and Lisa Fowler
Thank you for sharing your thoughts & courage. I am blessed to join you in asking our father to glorify himself in you and grant you great joy and healing.
Michele, You are always on my heart. Praying for a multitude of angels to squeeze into that OR and surround every healthcare worker in there. May the Lord guide each of them through this FINAL surgery. You are a WALKING testimony my friend. Love you and will continue to pray for you. The Lord is good.
Debi Messina
Amen, May you arise with joy! Peace everlasting knowing that you are A DAUGHTER OF THE KING OF KINGS! Luke 12:32 Please read Eph 1:3, Acts 20:32, James 1:22, Romans 6:4, Romans 4:20 Romans 4:21, Living by Faith not by sight2 Cor5:7, Wearing Gods Armour Eph 6:10-18 Hebrews 10:35. May the LORD be with you before during and after so that the doctor are filled with wisdom and peace. Skilled and steady hands to finish part of His Masterpiece. You will be blessed in each area of your life. Please have Confidence in Christ; He is with you and yours. Alechia
I just read your amazing note! What an incredible God we have! Joshua 1:9 was my Husbans life verse. It has become mine as well!
I pray that all your prayers are being answered! I pray you are well and that you’re growing strong and healthy!
May God Bless you abundantly!
With love, in Christ!
Thank you so much Sami for your heartfelt note. You are a blessing! God is faithful and I am doing well! Blessings back to you!
I like that.