I want to begin by thanking each of you who have been cheering me on in this art challenge with your comments, ‘likes’, shares, texts and emails. You probably don’t realize the impact, but you are giving me courage as I step outside my comfort zone each week. THANK YOU for that!!!
For those who don’t follow His Paintbrush on Facebook, last week I posted the photo of this image saying, “I figured out a way to combat the dreariness of these rainy days… buy fun boots! Haha. I’d been wanting to do a self-portrait of this sorts based on one that I had done in my college photography class where all you saw of me were my feet and the crutches. So, when I asked my mom to take this shot, I thought it’d make for a perfect challenge.
I actually had a lot of fun with this one and was able to keep my brushstrokes loose throughout! Woo hoo!! In order to avoid too much detail, I once again used one brush for the entire piece, except I did pull out one of my tiny ones for the “Hunter” labels (and my signature). 🙂 While I continue to strive for more freedom in my work, the one thing I’ve learned that I am not willing to let go of is the richness of color as I enjoy it too much! Unfortunately, in watercolors that means many layers which equals more time; but I am okay with that as long as I continue to gain freedom in my approach and work.
If you missed my post which explains this year-long challenge, please read You’re Invited To The Unveilings.
Simply amazing… if the boots were my size, I feel like they are screaming at me to reach in and try them on! The dimensional touch is crazy cool, I feel like I have 3D glasses on looking at this painting! So cool!
Buy fun boots! … Made me laugh. Thanks for that!
I also like the symbolism of you on the unstable, rocky walkway. You have walked that walk with determination, holding on to God when you stumble, and letting Him pick you back up when you fall.
The colors are beautiful. I absolutely love this…and you. You are my inspiration.
This immediately makes me think of Fred Astaire “Singing in the rain.” Psalm 37:23 says, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord”– even those in the rain. Keep singing in the rain (and painting!) and finding joy along each step, my fashionable friend!
LOVE IT! So fun. The colors are beautiful. I feel like I am looking at the actual picture.
So cute! I am enjoying your critiques of your work! I think this is great!