When I was a teenager, I began to keep a journal. Twenty seven journals later, journaling has indeed become an important part of my life and who I am. In a fire, most people say they’d grab their photo albums, but for me, I’d be grabbing as many of my journals as I possibly could. Here are a few reasons why my journals and the act of journaling are so important to me…
- While journaling is very individualized and can be used to record and express just about anything, I use mine as a place to pour my heart out before God in both the good and bad times. Writing out my dialogue with Him keeps me focused and forces me to be articulate in my communication. I find that this alone has become a powerful tool for me to process the things weighing on my heart and mind.
- The most priceless part of journaling for me is hearing God speak. Many times, in the middle of writing, I will stop and lift my pen in amazement as I read what I just wrote because there before me will be God’s answer to my cry.
- I also use my journals to record other ways God may be speaking to me: Scriptures, song lyrics, sermon notes, words from others and anything else that inspires, challenges and encourages me in my journey. It puts in one place all God is showing me.
- I’m not sure I have ever gotten up from journaling with the same perspective that I had before I sat down. God meets me on those pages every time. Sometimes it’s with a direct word from Him, a revelation or the reminder of a scripture; other times He meets me with a peace, grace, strength or confidence that I didn’t have beforehand.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8
- From time to time, I will thumb through the pages of my old journals and be reminded of God’s faithfulness, provision and answers. When God moves in our life the feelings and emotions are so strong that we vow we will never forget them; but then comes the next storm and we have already forgotten His faithfulness. Writing down what He has done is a faith builder for future storms.
- The first half of my life I would never have considered myself a writer…nor would my teachers have! But through this act of spending time with God through journaling, He birthed a gift and passion for writing within me. I love that! …in my surrender, He gave.
I know that journaling is not for everyone; no condemnation there! Whatever method works best for you to strengthen your faith and relationship with Jesus is the method you should be employing! For me, that just happens to be taking place on the pages of my journals.
Thank you☀️
Thank you for your writing! You never know what a blessing it might be to others. I’m letting you know it is a blessing. May God bless you and continue to meet your needs and use you for His glory.
Thank you so much for your encouragement, Paul! …I appreciate it!!
Thanks for sharing this and your heart for journaling.
you are an amazing little person, but to meet you in person you are taller because of your spirit, I’ve known you for some time, in around and about ways,,with gorgeous hair, and a soul that is bigger than life, and i can see were the grace of god lies, and it is in a human beigng like you, you are beautiful.
Your words BLESS me, Fiona. Thank you!!