Time is a funny thing. Sometimes we want it to speed up and other times we want it to slow down…it all depends on our circumstances. I am coming up on 8 weeks since my hip surgery, and since I last used my right leg. My doctor has wanted to allow as much time as possible for my hip to heal before he releases me to walk on it, so he keeps adding “2 more weeks” to the overall time period. Tuesday I will return to my doctor for another x-ray and prayerfully be released to finally begin bearing partial weight on it! I have been so anxious to move forward, but unfortunately, throughout my life my bones have always been slow to heal after surgeries. One of the lowest times of my life involved being flat on my back in a full body cast for 5 ½ months (22 weeks) due to my bone not healing after a hip surgery.
Why does healing take so much time? Wouldn’t it be great if we could just skip the process and get the same results? But that is contrary to God’s design. He has ordained time to accompany healing. His perspective and purpose of time are undoubtedly very different than ours. I know that I would not be who I am or have the faith that I do if it weren’t for the seasons of waiting. While I wouldn’t want to relive those times, I wouldn’t trade them. …though I will admit, that doesn’t take away my desire sometimes to speed time up!
Then there are moments when we just want to freeze time right where it is because everything is so perfect. As many of you know, last week my family and I vacationed in Maui. It was a trip that had been in the works for a couple years and booked long before my surgery was ever scheduled. At the time we never dreamed I’d be 8 weeks non-weight bearing, but despite my extended restrictions, we went. I can’t begin to describe the beauty that our senses took in while there; it was truly breathtaking. Then to be surrounded by those I love most was just the icing on the cake! I kept saying, “Enjoy this moment” because I knew it would pass quickly; which it did. Too quickly. All of the anticipation is now just memories. …but good ones!
Regardless of whether we want time to speed up or stand still, it is important that we live aware that time is precious. Early yesterday morning I lost a dear friend, mentor and hero of the faith. My Aunt Patty passed away. From the very first day I was born this woman poured into my life through faith and intercession. I have saved many printed emails and written letters that she sent to me through the years – each filled with spiritual encouragement and wisdom. I will so miss her influence in my life. She was a courageous woman who KNEW who she believed in. The last email she sent to me was the day after my surgery eight weeks ago. In it she was encouraging me despite her own battle. In the last sentence of her email my Aunt Patty said, “Soon we will all be before the throne forever in His presence where there is fullness of joy”. She’s right! So, I find myself asking, “Am I making the most of the time given to me?”…even as I am sitting here waiting to heal.
As always, you encourage and challenge my own walk with the Lord by hearing your heart and where he has you. Love you much!
Hi Michelle, Just read your post, you are certainly an inspiration. Our highs and lows in life make us who we are and exactly the person God wants us to be, if we listen and follow His leading.
Sharon (Hackensack Hospital, roomate’s daughter in law)