Happy Saturday Evening All! I just wanted to share some GOOD news…especially for those of you who have so faithfully been praying for me. I have continued to improve in both standing and walking as I have been in therapy for the past 8 weeks. I continue to walk with crutches, but as I get stronger, the goal is to progress to two canes and then prayerfully to one cane. Please understand, ONLY GOD can enable my body to do that again. Remember, it is because of my damaged spinal cord and damaged muscles (from surgical manipulation) that I need assistance to walk. All the exercising in the world will NOT get me to where God has promised I’ll be someday.
With that said, about a month ago I was feeling so good that I pulled my 2 canes out of my closet to try walking with. Unfortunately, it was still far too difficult, and I was only able to take about 5 steps before taking care of them. Walking with canes requires most of my weight to be in my legs, where with crutches, I am able to bear a good portion of my weight in my arms, making them much easier to walk with.
Nonetheless, knowing how well I am doing, on Monday my physical therapist suggested that I bring my 2 canes in with me next time to try walking with. So, on Wednesday I took them with me, partially thinking it was a waste of time since I had tried only a few weeks earlier. Nonetheless, I tried again and to my therapist’s and my amazement I was able to walk with them far better than either of us thought!!!! Now, it was not easy or perfect, but the fact was that I COULD DO IT and it was NOT horrible!!! Haha. This is honestly a HUGE step towards my healing. I have not been able to walk with canes for 3 years now and even then it was very limited as I struggled to overcome the ramifications of fracturing my pelvis. I am definitely not strong enough yet to walk with the canes fulltime, BUT they seem to be a lot closer than I ever dreamt!!
My parents were away for over a week, so yesterday was the first time they got to see me walk with the canes. If you watch this video you can see them watching me for the first time. If I look angry to you, I’m not :), I’m just REALLY concentrating!! I still have a ways to go, but for those who have walked the last several years by my side know all too well just how far I have come from ‘swinging through’ with the crutches!!! Thank You Jesus!!! And thank YOU to each of you who have so faithfully been praying for me. Your prayers are moving the heart and hand of God!
My therapist keeps saying how it doesn’t make sense… My doctor operated on my right hip, yet my left hip and spine are stronger, less pain, more range of motion and I no longer need to walk or stand with my knees pressed together to support my pelvis…and my alignment is straighter! Like she said, “when there is no other explanation, it is God”. To that I say AMEN!!!
Praise God !!!!!!!! There is power in unified prayer !!! i’m so happy to be reading your testimony, and rejoicing with you!!!
I am so happy for you Michele!!! To God be the glory!!! Amen
Praise God!! Amen
Praise the Lord! Tom and I are so thrilled for you!
What a testimony. God does things His way, not our way. I would love to know what He is thinking. No matter what we think, He is amazing…and so are you!
That is so amazing, remarkable and exciting. We rejoice with you all.
Michele, I can’t watch that video without tears of joy. Praise be to our Father in heaven for caring for you like this, his precious child. I share the triumph with you and will continue to stand and walk (that’s a wonderful word, isn’t it!) in prayer. Love you, Uncle Allan
Thank you, Uncle Allan! I am continuing to ‘walk’ with you in prayer also. I prayed for you this morning…
That’s so AWESOME!! Continuing to pray for even more mobility!
I LIKE that prayer… Thank you!
Your progress is so inspiring. We pray that you will continue to receive your miracle. God is good!
Thank you, Mrs. Christiansen! Your prayers mean everything to me!
There is nothing to hard for God, I am so excited for you and your family. I will continue to pray for a total and complete healing. !!!
Thank you so much, Uncle Ken, for your continued prayers for me!
So proud of your faith and diligence Michele! Continued prayers are always going up for you.
Thank you for your continued encouragement, support and prayers, Britt. Love back!